Our Story
In times of financial difficulty, wedding expenses can seem insurmountable. This is not including the typical daily expenses a family experiences. By the time the wedding day approaches what seems to be a minor expense is now beyond their means. This is where Chein steps in to uphold and enhance every Kallah’s glow.

Our Artists
We provide and cover the costs of hair dressers and makeup artists so every Kallah’s inner chein can shine through.
Hair Dressers
Yocheved Gross ~ Chaya Heligman ~ Miriam Dabbah
Erin Friedman ~ Ahuva Duce ~ Shevy Sher
Mary Chams ~ Pauline Catton ~ Chaya Shasha
Raizy Zafrani ~ Jacqueline Nachum ~ Adina Millar
Idy Kaff ~ Libby Heinaman ~ Shelly Habob
Esther Malky Braunstein ~ Elana Abodi ~ Tzivi Zak
Hair By Shai ~ Shaindel Hochman ~ Hudi Dabba
Chanie Greenfield ~ Gittel Malinowitz ~ Aliza Richland
Chana Bouskila ~ Miriam Engel ~ Tehilla Shield
Malka Yakabouv ~ Malkie Friedman ~ Rikki Brisk
Mimi Brachfeld ~ Rikki Kaufman ~ Ruthie Gindi
Sara Catan ~ Sara Faigy Weinberger ~ Shani Glenn
Shaindy Zaigelbaum ~ Tehila Pollack ~ Toby Wasserteil
Makeup Artists
Malka Kassai ~ Esther Levy ~ Esther Beraja
Sarala Leiberman ~ Rivka Beyda ~ Karen Zayat
Ronit Maleh ~ Goldie Felsenstein
Devorah Friedman ~ Suri Schwartz ~ Tamar Farhi
Suri Tannenbaum ~ Shaindy Philip ~ ZC Lissauer
Caroline Cohen ~ Esty Kruger ~ Chanie Kresh
Sapir Hana ~ Debbie Grossman ~ Bashi Kleinbart
Brochi Herbst ~ Chana Herz ~ Elisheva Schwartz
Esty Morgenstern ~ Faigy Weiss ~ Henny Jeroslowitz
~ Libi Weinberg ~ Mimi Mizrahi ~ Miriam Levovitz
~ Miriam Sokol ~ Rachel Marizan ~ Rosie Samet
Rochel Leah Tennenbaum ~ Shani Glenn
Shoshi Friedman ~ Cami Esses ~ Renee Shwekey
Our Artists
We provide and cover the costs of hair dressers and makeup artists so every Kallah’s inner chein can shine through.